Tuesday 22 January 2013

Psychedelic 60s design

Organic shapes, round curves and space travel!

There is something equally modernistic and psychedelic about the forms and the angles of the 60s design.

Joe Colombo / 60s Modern house and a film set

Panton / Psychedelic Furniture Set

It was the age of soft drugs, mind exploration and the first Moon expeditions. Architecture, furniture and home accessories of that time were often inspired with the shape of the astronaut's helmet and had this subtle sci-fi feeling about them. What a wonderfully creative decade that was! That is mainly due to the impressive work of designers such as: Panton, Eero Aarnio, Joe Colombo, Gaetano Pesce and Archizoom. Time has passed, but their ideas haven't aged at all! Because icons are universal.

Joe Colombo
Gaetano Pesce


Joe Colombo
Eero Aarnio

Gae Aulenti

Eearo Aarnio

Walter Zaischegg's famous ashtrays